Friday, July 29, 2011

Random Friday Fun

Okay guys, BE WARNED. This is an extremely random blog and I have no specific direction.

Let me just say this has been a hell on earth less than pleasing work week for me. Thank the GOOD LORD above for Trevor and my friends that make me forget about the stresses of work. So I gather up my strength this morning and head into work bright and early at 6:15 today...I get to work... and this is the inside temperature of my office...
Like, ARE YOU SERIOUS! I was so cold I couldn't hardly type a full e-mail on my computer without my hands shivering. I could seriously kill my next door office mate for being such a dim witted idiot who has no care for other's comfort. I turned that BIATCH down immediately and opened all the doors so  my boss wouldn't come to work to find his employee had turned into an ice sculpture.

HOWEVER... it is Friday. :) So that means time to let go of bitter feelings about work.

With the weekend coming up and also the month of August, which is always a busy and fun month for me, I have several things I am looking forward to.
1-Jessica & JB's baby gender revelation party on Saturday! What is a baby gender revelation party you ask? Well, they found out on Thursday was the gender of that precious little baby is and they didn't tell anyone (anyone coming to the party at least) except for our friend Marina who is hosting the party. Marina is going to bake cake balls and color the inside of the cake balls either blue or pink and all at once after games and bets have been made we will all bite into them at the same time to reveal if baby Bennett will be a girl or boy. Very exciting stuff. And our group will pretty much run with any excuse to have a party. :)
2-We are going to be floating the river in two weeks. Me and Trev pretty much look at river trips like Christmas in July (or August in this case). It has to be one of the funnest things you can do in the Texas summer.
3-FINALLY getting a queen size bed. I have been sleeping in the same full size bed since junior high and I am beyond ready for a bigger bed. It is going to be tough to part with it though, it's so comfy. Chanel however is not a very sharing bed partner so the queen bed will be a great upgrade for everyone.
4-On August 25, Trevor and I will be celebrating 4 years of dating. I don't want to blog too much about this now because I will more than likely make a whole post about it when the actual date draws near but I am very excited. I feel very blessed to have spent the past 4 years with such an extraordinary guy.
5-ANNNNDDD last but CERTAINLY not least, August 28th an angel was born is my birthday and with it falling on a Sunday this year, we are having the party on Saturday the 27th. I am a big birthday person so I absolutely love celebrating them. I am constantly amazed by my wonderful group of friends that never fail to make the current birthday better than all the rest. WOO!

So I am a huge music person. I can honestly say music gets my mood back up during the 45 minute drive home from work. Seriously. If I didn't have music to rock out to on the way home my road rage would be significantly higher (like Houston needs that) and I would be a real peach to be with after work. Here is some "Yay it's Friday and I am happy" songs. I added a link below the videos because I didn't know if they were showing up or not.
YES! It's totally from the Lizzie McGuire movie and yes I know Blondie sang it first but I seriously loved Lizzie McGuire and I loved the way she sang this song. The video is so cute too. :)
Love this song. Saw her in concert,, love it even more. Barbz!
I think this song is just so cute and I have loved Eli Young Band since 2006. "CRAAAAZZZYYY GIRL, don't you know that I love you" :)
Okay this just seems extremely appropriate. It's Friday and everyone is dying for 5 o'clock (4 o'clock for me). And if you know me, you know that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE  Jimmy Buffett.
Okay, so this video may have came out before I was born, HOWEVER, I believe you can't go wrong with Michael and if this song doesn't make you want to dance then you should see a Doctor.

P.S. to Friday Playlist- If I hear the songs, "If I die young", "S&M", or "Rolling in the deep" anytime in the next 48 hours I will kick a small child.

I hope you all have an AMAZING weekend spent with the ones you love.

Happy Friday Dolls!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A little late...Weekend Wrap Up

Good Tuesday Everyone!

I hope everyone had as great as a weekend as I did. As you already know I went home to good Old Bridge City this weekend with Trevor for a friend’s wedding. We got to spend some "Quality" time with friends and family. Here is the weekend in pictures. :)

I don't have anything from Friday but dinner with my dad was delicious. :)

Saturday we started off with IHOP then bowling with Mom, her boyfriend Keith, and his son Blake.

Trevor killed in on the first game. Notice his intense stance and firm concentration.
My awesome Mom about to bowl.

I remember wanting to steal these shoes when I was younger. What the Eff was I thinking??? They are not exactly fun to look at.

2nd game score. 2nd place for me. :) Trevor did okay...It's okay Trev, better luck next time.

My childhood best friend got married. I was so glad to be there and be a part of her big day. The ceremony was really special and the reception was a lot of fun. She looked beautiful. They had a photo booth too which was really cool. I'll try to get the pictures uploaded on here soon.

Okay so I know you’re probably wondering what is with the random angry cartoon...well in between the wedding and going to meet Housewife and other friends I went to get out of the car and my phone was on my lap. Needless to say the final score was phone-0 contrete-1. I then proceeded to throw an only child 5 year old tantrum for about 5 minutes  60 seconds before Trevor calmed me down and reassured me that I was not the first person to severely crack my phone screen. All I have to say is thank GOD for insurance.

 After the phone fiasco, we finally made it to The West Bar and Grill in Beaumont where we met up with Housewife, Jordan, and Alison.
Even though Trevor and I were way overdressed for this particular bar we had a lot of fun before we moved over the The Pace Setter where I saw many old friends. It was great.
One of the old faces we saw was Jesus'. Lauryn, Jesus, Trevor, and I all were a part of a crazy out of control Spring Break in 2010. We also all spent a lot of time on Northgate my senior year of college. We all had a lot of fun at Pace Setter and I know Trevor really enjoyed catching up with him.

Lauryn + Danni + Dance floor = dancing fools.

On Sunday we went a visited my grandparents for a while before we headed back to Houston pretty early because Trevor had a golf game to get too. Sunday evening this was Chanel curled up on the couch. She was pretty tuckered out from dealing with a moody small dog all weekend who just didn't want to play with her. (HOW RUDE!) Anyways, that is exactly how I felt after a great weekend home too, exhausted. I promise you though I didn't look NEARLY as cute as she did at this point Sunday evening. hah.

Now I just have to make it though the next 2 and a half hours of this horrible work  day before gym time and time with the BF that can always turn a subpar day around.

Happy Tuesday Dolls.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Puppy, Paintings, and Traffic Annoyances

Good Friday Morning!

I don't know about you guys but dragging myself out of bed waking up on Friday morning is always a little bit easier than other days of the week. A plus for me that I have is a very rare black and white girl-fox-bear-puppy that the moment I open my eyes, (she can always tell) creates instant cuteness right in my arms. Chanel proceeds to shove her nose under my arm and work her way into my chest nuzzling up to my neck. It's seriously the cutest dang thing I have ever seen. But she has strategy I tell ya...because the moment I get up she jumps down and pretends like she is going to continue accompanying me as I get ready but then runs back to the bed and lays directly in my spot with this very pleased look on her face.

She is about 6 inches from my face
She has been caught.

So on Wednesday I went to the class called "Painting with a Twist" with 4 of my girlfriends. I know I already explained what it is in my last blog BUT in case you haven't read it or do not care to read the blog before this I will elaborate again. An instructor shows you step by step how to create the paining that you signed up for. (It's different everyday) Now the "twist" is that you have snacks and more importantly wine while you are painting. I am pretty sure the wine definitely made my picture MUCH better. It was a ton of fun and probably one of the best weeknight girl's nights that you can do. They have a lot of locations not only in Houston but in other big cities in Texas. Check out their website-Painting With A Twist

Myself, Ashley, Marina, Katie, and Heather with our paintings.

Moonlit Cherry Blossoms

Now I have greatly enjoyed this whole blogging thing. I like to think of it as free therapy some times. So I hope my venting some days can at least make you smile

Every day I drive 26 miles both ways which ends up being about 35 minute drive to work and a 40/45 minute drive home. I know what your thinking..."In Houston traffic, SHE IS NUTS". Well before your judgement commences let me explain that I actually drive against traffic. Since I live in the Heights (for you non-Houstonians it's an area nestled in between Downtown and the Galleria) and I drive to Spring I actually do NOT sit it traffic moving no faster than 15 miles an hour. HOW-EV-ER...I do encounter some less than pleasing happenings on my drive in. I won't go into to much detail but for the information of everyone on the Houston highways 290, 249 and 610 North....THE FAST LANE IS MEANT TO BE DRIVEN FAST!!! If you are NOT going ABOVE 70 MILES AN HOUR-MOVE THE "bleep" OVER!@$#%!#$Q!$! This morning on my way in some "Canadian" gentleman was driving in his Cadillac Seville with 24 inch wheels(I'm going to bet he wasn't on his way to work either) in the fast line moving along at about 64 miles and hour...NOT OKAY! In turn he not only was blocking me but started a nice little traffic back up because no one could pass the other slow pokes in the other 2 lanes of 290 outbound. Monday through Friday 6AM-10AM Sunday drivers need to stay OFF the roads. Traffic should always look just like this when I am driving to work at 6:30 AM.

Trevor, I think the grey ones taller...

Lastly, I am so ready for 3 o'clock to roll on around. A big thumbs up to my great boss who is letting me leave early so that the boyfriend and I can beat most of that horrible south Houston traffic and get to Bridge City before dark. We're having dinner with my Dad tonight and he is not a guy you really want to make wait.

This the night that his ONLY CHILD and little girl got her Aggie ring...this is his super happy face. Dead Serious.

Have a fabulous Friday dolls.

p.s. This cup brings more joy to me that it probably should, my Aggie cup that is filled to the brim with diet coke every single morning. Thanks and Gig'Em to Trevor's mom for giving it to me last Christmas.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hump Day Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down

It's been one heck of a busy week. When you boss is on vacation, for me at least, that = A LOT more work. Because people are constantly calling me and trying to get me to do the same thing my boss with 25 + years of experience does. Clearly I am not as capable of certain tasks.

But enough about stupid work. The week is half way over! (Got to look at the glass half full) Only 2 more days then Trevor, Chanel (She's a peach to travel with) and I will be going back to Bridge City for the weekend for my friend Shannon's wedding. We are also looking forward to spending time with my crazy dysfunctional family and getting to see old friends. BONUS-My housewife will be home this weekend too. Double win.

As for the rest of this post, I believe I'm just going to go with some thumbs up/thumbs down of this week/previous weekend so far.

Thumbs Up:
1.Going to the Tasting Room at City Center on Friday night with Trev and two of my long time wonderful friends who just happen to be married. We sat outside and the weather was wonderful. They also had a band that was really good and also very funny. The wine, of course, was really good. Seriously though, I have been friends with the Surbers for nearly 5 years now and over those past 5 years they have become two of not only mine, but Trevor's really good friends. They are wonderful people and I do really enjoy random wine nights with them. :)
2. Getting to "Wobble" on Saturday night at Rebel's on Washington Street. I seriously haven't got to do that line dance since the cruise. It's fun.
3. Black Eyed Pea on Sunday yummmmmmmmm.
4. Monday runday with Chanel.
5. Last night's new Pretty Little Liars episode. I'm seriously obsessed with that show. I think it's great. "It's open season BFF's and I'm hunting liars."-(love that line)
6. Quality time the the BF during week nights that get me through the work day.
7.  Getting my nails done on Monday which greatly improved my quality of living.
8. Pinot's Pallet tonight with the girls. It's the genius idea that you get a group of women in a class room where they show you how to paint a specific picture, each class is a different painting. The real kicker is you drink wine and have snacks while you paint. Makes for some good times and better paintings??? (maybe). I'll update you more on this little adventure tomorrow.

Thumbs Down:
1. America losing the World Cup in the 117th minute on Sunday. That was really heartbreaking.
2. My drink tab Saturday night at Rebels....
3. Being 45 minutes late for work today. I woke up at about 7:02 ...Doesn't sound to bad except for the fact that I am suppose to be at work at 7:00. Yeah...needless to say I went into panic mode and ran like a wild animal to get ready and get out of the house as fast as possible. I think poor Chanel was traumatized. Don't worry, I gave her peanut butter and she was perfectly happy with life.
4. The guy at the gym yesterday that sounded as if one of 4 following choices were happening; A) He was giving birth B) He swallowed an entire cat and was trying to cough it up C) He was having lung surgery and they forgot to put him under or D) He was getting kicked repeatedly it his dough boy tummy by Chuck Norris. Y'all, not kidding this guy was horrible, loud, and annoying. He would also drop the weights after he was done with his 5 effin reps. Like read the sign Mr. Hogan-"Please DO NOT drop the weights". I believe next time I have to work out next to the chump I will let him know, although he's probably too stupid from all the steroids and supplements to under stand. I'll keep you posted.
5. Eyebrow waxing on Monday. Unlike a friend of mine, CoughjessicaCough, I do not enjoy the feeling of hot wax ripping hairs off my eye brow, but hey beauty hurts. (Love you Jess)
6. Getting yelled/cat-called at on Monday while running on the canal by...well, let's see... "Hispanics" that couldn't have been over the age of 16. NO child, I am not your "senorita" and this is AMERICA, if your going to holler at me at least do it in ENGLISH!
7. The cable company Ygnition. If I could blow up every one of their buildings and get away with it I totally would. My apartment complex has a contract and you have to use them. THEY ARE THE WORSE CABLE PROVIDER IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Halfway through everyone, we just have to hang on 2 more days...

Happy Hump-Day Dolls.

P.S.-This song is on as I write this blog and I thought I would share, makes me smile...:)
 I come from the land down under

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cheese Enchiladas and the Gym Annoyances

It's Friday! Friday! FRIDAY!

and I am NOT singing that stupid Rebecca Black excuse for a song. I am so glad that it is Friday, mainly because Thursday was a less than pleasing day for several reasons. I am not going to elaborate too much but work was tough, some lady passed out cold at the same restaurant we were at during lunch, and certain people's character flaws were really testing my patience. To top it off I was incredibly exhausted after lunch from not getting as much sleep as I normally do the night before. (It was totally worth it though because Britney Spears killed it)  So when I got home yesterday, I crawl straight into bed. 5:30 rolls around and that typically means I change into workout clothes go pick up Trevor, and work out from 6-7. This is how that went down.

(Phone ringing)
D-Hey, whatcha doing?
T-Nothing, just talking with Shawn. You about to be here?
D-Yeahhhh, about that. I'm super tired from last night still and think I am going to skip the gym today.
T-Oh yeah I bet you are tired. Okay well I will see you when I get out.
D-Okay, see you then

I lay back down for about 45 seconds.....then.... (After thinking about that super healthy Mexican food I ate for lunch)

(Phone ringing)
D-I am about to be at your place.
T-Okay (starts to say something else)
D-(interrupting) I just guilted myself into working out because I was thinking about cheese enchiladas.
D-Yeah so I'll be there soon.

Trevor could tell from the moment I picked him up how "great" a mood I was in when he said, and I quote, "I feel sorry for your elliptical".

Now, before I continue I just have to get this off my chest I absolutely CAN NOT stand people on facebook that post a new status every time they drag their butts to a gym. ATTENTION TO PEOPLE WHO DO THAT: NO ONE CARES! If you are really working out as much as you say, then it will show. It is not necessary to post your check in at the gym the moment you pull in the parking lot. Now don't get me wrong, it's a free country and you can post whatever you want, and sometimes people have really great workouts and want to share it (guilty of that), I completely get it. But EVERY SINGLE TIME (read in slow motion)....not necessary. So with all that said, I promise to not make "gym posts" unless it comes with a good story.

So back to the original story, Trevor and I are now at the gym (thank you los cucos) and as I begin my workout, I take notice to a few things. Mind you, still not in a very good mood.

-To the girl in the matching Addidas workout outfit, the galleria is about 5 miles down the road, you would probably get a better workout there than here.
-To the guy who keeps trying to maintain eye contact with me while you do your lat pull downs...I have no interest in you, and you’re creeping me out.
-To the creepy small 30 year old male with giant head phones, I can still hear your weird techno music that sings about "kitty cats, milk and being the affair", turn that shit down.
-To the wanna be meathead who's arms are not much bigger than mine, doing that ONE press on bench and making noises that sound like you're on the toilet is not going to help you turn into the hulk like creature you aspire to be.

I will say, even with all the annoyances I am so glad that I ended up going. 45 minutes on the butt killer GLUT course and some abs was really what I needed. Before the gym I really was running on a very short fuse (from my frustrations of the day). Sometimes you just need to sweat it out and focus on breathing instead of how crazy life and people can drive you.

I also want to give kudos to two very special ladies and one great guy who helped me keep my sanity yesterday, and trust me, it's not the first time any one of them have done so. Jess and Lauryn, thank you both for some good laughs and great advice. I apologize for my ranting and appreciate your friendship more than you will ever know. Trevor, thank you for being you. (I know, super cheesy, but also super true). The reason I laugh everyday is because of you. You really do make the problems go away just by being there.  

Okay, I am actually going to start working now, and begin my countown to the weekend....(only 7 hours and 25 minutes left..WOO!)

Happy Friday Dolls.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Wedding Wednesday

Please pardon the interruption; before getting started with our regular schedule blogging I just wanted to say that...


but dog gone it, I still have no earthly idea what I am wearing to the main event. @###$%&$#@#$!!!

Now back to your regular scheduled blog. :)

As I have already warned, I am slightly obsessed with weddings. As I have also said I get to me a maid of honor in Heather L's wedding and a bridesmaid in Heather C's wedding. :) Over the past months since they have both become engaged, I have tried to help them with ideas and inspiration as much as possible according to what each girl is going for at their wedding. Which, not to brag, but they both tell me I am very good at it. :)

Heather L. is going for a tradition and classy wedding with a deep purple, green, and slate grey color palette. Her wedding dress is to die for. I actually got the privilege do be there when she purchased it. Obviously I can't give much more details on that subject. To get an idea of what I mean here are some pictures that we have sent back and fourth over the past few months.
Flowers, White, Bouquet, Purple, Bridesmaids, Bridal, And, Calla, Mini, Callas, Monday morning flowers, Picasso

Heather C. is having a more country/rustic meets modern fall wedding with golden yellow, espresso brown, and maroon/Burgundy color palette. She is still looking for the dress but has a pretty good idea of what she wants. For a more descriptive picture of her wedding style, have a look at some pictures posted below. :) 

Hanging lanterns
057Houston Wedding Photographers_3696.jpg
White, Green, Purple, Red, Centerpiece, Orange, Brown, Yellow, Gold, Fall, Crystals, Tree, Manzanita, Autumn, Wishing

Clearly both very different but very pretty. WARNING MUSHY MOMENT AHEAD----

I really have so excited to be apart of both of ya'lls special day. You both deserve the perfect weddin and I hope that I really can help make that happen for you.

Happy Wednesday dolls.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

For all you Britney Spears fans....

So I was sitting at work using every excuse not to do my actual job and trying to think about a good blog topic for today, when suddenly Britney Spears' "I wanna go" came on the radio and SHAZAM inspiration!
Tomorrow night, my old college roommate, Kristin, her little sister Kori, my friend Amanda, and myself will all be attending the Nicki Minaj/Britney Spears concert at the Toyota Center (squeals like preteen girl). I love me some Nicki Minaj, and I have been a Britney Spears fan since 1998. (That's over half my life) I got to thinking about all of the Britney Spears songs through the years. Did you know it was 13 years ago when her first song came out??? That blows my mind. I mean seriously check out this 1998 picture vs  2011 Britney.

Any who, I thought it would be fun to make a list of my top 10 Britney Spears songs. There is no order really except for #1. So here you go.
#10- Boys-(2002) One of her fairly popular tunes that made you want to run around like some Hollywood Socialite pushing extremely hot guys off of you that were just throwing themselves at your feet to be in you presence. Inspiring…”Boys, sometimes a girl just needs one…”
#9- If You Seek Amy-(2009) Now, I have to give it to Miss Spears, purposely and creatively writing a song that just so happens to sound like something completely different that the title, a sort of hidden message. Nice!”But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy". Doesn’t make much sense right, well sound it out people (IFFFFF YOUUU SEEEEEEE KKKKKAAAA ME) .
#8-Overprotected-(2001) I believe this came out the same time her terrible AWESOME movie did, “Crossroads”. Of course teen girls all over the world were inspired to break free of their parents and/or boyfriends and to stop being “overprotected” because “all they want to do is live their lives”…. And you know the whole “I can’t help the way I feel, but my life has been so overprotected.” Yes, little 15 year olds all over the U.S,-live your life, stick it to the man,  GIRL POWER, and all that jazz.
Britney Spears: Crossroads Movie Poster
#7-I’m a slave for you-(2001) Now that I am 22 and can fully understand the lyrics I see why some parents did NOT enjoy their daughters rocking out to Britney. I was 11 when this song came out and thought it was the best song ever. I also thought she was the coolest person for wearing pants with that belt/bloomers thing over them in the music video.  AND THEN at the MTV music awards, she came out with the snake. “Get it get it get it get it, Woooohhhhaaa”. Bravo Britney...Bravo.
#6- Do something-(2005) It was the fall of 2005, I was 17 and thought “Laguna Beach” was the best thing since sliced bread. Every time I hear this song I think of an episode on Laguna Beach where Kristin was being her bitchy pleasant self. All I can really remember is some 5 minute scene happening where a grand total 3 complete sentences were said and then the camera just went back and forth showing people’s faces while “Do something” played in the background. And to this day when I hear this song I just want to walk in a club or party in slow motion with jealous frenimies watching me with envy in their eyes wising they were the ones dating Brody Jenner Trevor Davis.
#5- Stronger-(2000) “Because I’m stronger than yesterday.  Now it’s nothing but my way; my loneliness ain’t killing me no more…I… I”MMMM STRONGER” Now that is a power ballad if I have ever heard one. Who could forget her video choreography with the chair. I was like 11 when this came out, but I probably listened to it 100 times. It inspired me. I was going to wreck junior high. Don’t ask me why I was “stronger”; I was 11, clearly dramatic and most likely annoying to anyone over the age of 13. Have to admit though, still a good song and still on my IPOD.
#4- Hit Me Baby One More Time-(1998) WOW, I was in 3rd or 4th grade depending on what time of the year this song hit radio waves. B. Spears debuted her first single that took the world by storm. All I can really remember is wanting to in the Mickey Mouse Club so that I could be her friend because she was SO COOL. Definitely a classic that should be played at every bachelorette party.
#3-(You Drive Me) Crazy-(1999) The teen pop song, speaks of a woman who is crazy by her love interest, claiming that his "love keeps [her] up all night".  The song was also promoting the movie “Drive me Crazy” (great movie). You would listen to it over and over with your friends thinking about your current crush love bug that was driving you “crazy”. Oh to be 10 again…Seriously though, I can still jam out to this in the Beetle Tiberon Camry on repeat. C’mon you know you do it too, it’s a classic.
#2-Toxic-(2004) If you didn’t know, this song was deemed her favorite song of her career. And for good reason too. It’s catchy, the music video had her wearing either nothing but diamonds or that adorable stewardess outfit, and at the time no other song sounded anything like it. I really don’t have much of an explanation except for that I totally love this song, and it will always be a guilty pleasure of mine.

#1-Oops I did it Again-(2000) You think Britney Spears, you think "Oops I did it again". This song came with the “out of this world” (literally) music video staged on a Mars like planet, that full-body pleather, red jump suit and the extremely catchy chorus. Despite the slightly unintelligent title of the song, I loved it when I was 13 and I love it now when I’m 22. I really kind of wish I could wear this tomorrow night but I am not sure where I could get a hold of an outfit like this and I am willing to bet it would be a little warm in Houston, Texas is July.

Honorable mentioned B.Spears songs.- Sometimes, Lucky, Kill the Lights, Circus, Outrageous, Born to Make you Happy, and Satisfaction. Thanks for the memories Britney.

Of course nearly every song the Pop Princess puts out is "nod worthy" but this was just (in the words of Marina) my humble opinion. Now, I only hope that I get to hear at least a few of the classics tomorrow night at the Toyota Center along with all the new stuff that she will, most assumable, play the most of.

Happy Tuesday Dolls.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's the little things...

that make a good weekend great.

Thumbs up of this weekend.

1-Getting a mirror that you have been wanting for months. And having your very strong and resourceful boyfriend hang it up for you. 
2-While getting the mirror you have been wanting for months, finding an adorable owl picture for under 20 dollars.
3-Getting a letter in the mail from an anonymous yet incredible friend. People don't write enough letters these days. :) BTW anonymous friend, you will receive your reply by mail soon. 
4-Having a lovely dinner tonight with Mrs. Lienweber that included some amazing pizza and tasty Bellinis. 
5-Enjoying the a Texas summer night on Friday with some good friends.
6- Having the best fried okra I have had since last year on Saturday at Goodsen's in Tomball with more good friends and also seeing "Horrible Bosses" at a theater that serves wine. :)
7-Having the most adorable puppy sleeping in my lap as I write this post. 
8-Having a friend who is a pharmacy tech that can tell you the best cough drop brand that FINALLY helped make me feel less like a fire ant colony is living in my throat every time I talk. 
9-Getting really excited every time I hear a B.Spears/Niki Minaj song because I get to see her in concert in 3 days. 
10- Knowing that when I lay down tonight I have so much to thank God for. :)

Happy Sunday dolls. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Confession time...

Okay so I have a slight obsession with weddings. Luckily not only do I get to attend four weddings between now and next November I get the wonderful privilege to be in two of them. My friend Heather L is marrying her long time sweetie of seven years ,Michael, in February of 2012, and I will be playing MOH. (Maid on Honor). Also in November of 2012, another Heather, Heather C. is marrying her college bf and I am a bridesmaid. My long time friend all the way back to elementary, Shannon, is getting married on the 23 of this month. And last but certainly not least Trevor and I's friend Briana will marry her long time BF in February of 2012. They are all very beautiful girls and I am sure all of their weddings will be wonderful and unique, each customized to their own personalities.

With all that being said, looking at wedding stuff is perfectly appropriate because I am playing crucial rolls in two of these in the next year and a half. I take my job in weddings very seriously. See picture below...

Marina and J.C.'s wedding-March 2010.
Seriously, don't mess with me and weddings.

So from time to time I will share photos and ideas on here. I hope you  tolerate enjoy my little wedding addiction. Maybe I can help inspire you, or just give you some pretty pictures to look at. Whatever works.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Be Kind, Enjoy your snowcone.

HEY HEY! I have decided to start the very terrifying fun journey of having a blog. I do hope that I can bring some sort of insight, humor, or at least some minimal entertainment to you day with each post. Please have patience with me as I try and get this whole "blogging" thing down. So without further a due, my first post.

You will probably never hear me say this again but today, I kind of like love working for this company. (I will not be disclosing where I work in case I decide to blog on a day where I may feel "slightly" different than today)Today our company sent a snow cone truck over and paid for everyone to have as many snow cones as we could cram down our throats for about 45 minutes. The yard guys were scarfing them down like lions chowing down on a wilder beast on the African plains, BUT they do work outside all day long in this TEXAS heat moving pipe around so I would also be eating snow cones like a wild animal if I had their jobs. Overall, it was a pleasant unexpected perk in the average work day. 

Okay, so not to sound ungrateful but I had a few complaints.... (This is the point of blogging right???)

So the truck played music. What kind of music you ask? Steel drum/beachy style of songs like "Under the Sea" from the little mermaid and "In the jungle" type of songs. It doesn't sound too bad right? WRONG! Don't get me wrong, I love Jimmy Buffett and he is the king of beachy music but this wasn't JB quality. Why you ask?  Because each song went on FOR-EV-ER.......FOREVER! And the delightful little truck was parked right in front of the quality building. SUPER! Secondly was the gingergentleman serving us our snow cones, let me get a description for you; Obese, paler than Edward in Twilight, and COVERED in freckles. Now I am not complaining about the guys looks, some people are blessed with other things... I am complaining because when I got back up to my office (which is on the 2nd floor) I was looking out the window when the round, red headed fellow serving up our chilly delights turned around where I guess he thought no one could see, pulled back his lip and yanked out titanic GLOB of what I can only assume was chewing tobacco. As I sat and finished my lemon lime snow cone, I felt very thankful that I chose to ignore my "inner only child" and get only one delicious snow cone.

Happy Thursday or as my very professional boss says, "Big-Ass Beer Day".

