Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A little late...Weekend Wrap Up

Good Tuesday Everyone!

I hope everyone had as great as a weekend as I did. As you already know I went home to good Old Bridge City this weekend with Trevor for a friend’s wedding. We got to spend some "Quality" time with friends and family. Here is the weekend in pictures. :)

I don't have anything from Friday but dinner with my dad was delicious. :)

Saturday we started off with IHOP then bowling with Mom, her boyfriend Keith, and his son Blake.

Trevor killed in on the first game. Notice his intense stance and firm concentration.
My awesome Mom about to bowl.

I remember wanting to steal these shoes when I was younger. What the Eff was I thinking??? They are not exactly fun to look at.

2nd game score. 2nd place for me. :) Trevor did okay...It's okay Trev, better luck next time.

My childhood best friend got married. I was so glad to be there and be a part of her big day. The ceremony was really special and the reception was a lot of fun. She looked beautiful. They had a photo booth too which was really cool. I'll try to get the pictures uploaded on here soon.

Okay so I know you’re probably wondering what is with the random angry cartoon...well in between the wedding and going to meet Housewife and other friends I went to get out of the car and my phone was on my lap. Needless to say the final score was phone-0 contrete-1. I then proceeded to throw an only child 5 year old tantrum for about 5 minutes  60 seconds before Trevor calmed me down and reassured me that I was not the first person to severely crack my phone screen. All I have to say is thank GOD for insurance.

 After the phone fiasco, we finally made it to The West Bar and Grill in Beaumont where we met up with Housewife, Jordan, and Alison.
Even though Trevor and I were way overdressed for this particular bar we had a lot of fun before we moved over the The Pace Setter where I saw many old friends. It was great.
One of the old faces we saw was Jesus'. Lauryn, Jesus, Trevor, and I all were a part of a crazy out of control Spring Break in 2010. We also all spent a lot of time on Northgate my senior year of college. We all had a lot of fun at Pace Setter and I know Trevor really enjoyed catching up with him.

Lauryn + Danni + Dance floor = dancing fools.

On Sunday we went a visited my grandparents for a while before we headed back to Houston pretty early because Trevor had a golf game to get too. Sunday evening this was Chanel curled up on the couch. She was pretty tuckered out from dealing with a moody small dog all weekend who just didn't want to play with her. (HOW RUDE!) Anyways, that is exactly how I felt after a great weekend home too, exhausted. I promise you though I didn't look NEARLY as cute as she did at this point Sunday evening. hah.

Now I just have to make it though the next 2 and a half hours of this horrible work  day before gym time and time with the BF that can always turn a subpar day around.

Happy Tuesday Dolls.


  1. Ummmmm....why don't you post up the picture of the score from the first bowling game. You know, the one where I bowled 155? TIA

  2. details Trev...details. :)

    Besides the first game was just a warm up.
